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Pinnwand (6.976 Diskussionen)

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Swift Swift 28. Dezember 2009 28. Dezember 2009 um 16:33:15 UTC link zur Pinnwand

The readings for <arabic numeral>日 are incorrect, but <kanji numeral>日 are correct. Figured I'd leave a note here rather on some particular entry as it applies to many.

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TRANG TRANG 11. Januar 2010 11. Januar 2010 um 20:40:49 UTC link zur Pinnwand

Thanks for the note. I've corrected them.

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Swift Swift 12. Januar 2010 12. Januar 2010 um 00:06:57 UTC link zur Pinnwand

Great! Furthermore, <numeral>日間 should also have the same reading as <numeral>日+かん. When there is no numeral, it is read ひあい.

Further <numeral>日 exceptions:
*一日三秋(いちじつさんしゅう/いちにちさんしゅう)- anthy only gives the kanji when inputting the former reading.
*七日鮫(なのかざめ)- anthy cannot produce this.
I didn't dig any deeper into this, but I imagine there are loads of special cases to be found.

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TRANG TRANG 28. März 2010 28. März 2010 um 14:25:47 UTC link zur Pinnwand

And I remembered I didn't reply to you about this.

If you have been reading some of the latest messages you might have guessed that we're in the process of switching to another software for romanization, which will hopefully be more of a long term solution.

With the current one (KAKASI), I've reached the point where adding new rules to get correct romanization was too much of a hassle...

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Swift Swift 28. März 2010 28. März 2010 um 14:42:09 UTC link zur Pinnwand

Yes, I'd noticed. Hope the new software proves better. I also noticed that the next release might have kana in addition to romaji which would be a welcome feature.

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sysko sysko 28. März 2010 28. März 2010 um 18:55:31 UTC link zur Pinnwand

In fact the release will maybe replace romaji by kana, in a first time, and if people prefer to have both, the we will work to have both

indoraq indoraq 3. Januar 2010 3. Januar 2010 um 21:20:18 UTC link zur Pinnwand

Did a CSV file download, could not find any Estonian sentences there?

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sysko sysko 5. Januar 2010 5. Januar 2010 um 18:24:16 UTC link zur Pinnwand

in fact as written in the download section, the last csv was generated a month ago, when estonian was not present in tatoeba, so at the next generation, estonian will be in it (in the same time we will review the way we generate csv to make it more "automatic" )

TRANG TRANG 11. Januar 2010 11. Januar 2010 um 13:56:48 UTC link zur Pinnwand

In case you are interested, I have updated the files. You should find Estonian now.

indoraq indoraq 29. Dezember 2009 29. Dezember 2009 um 19:23:41 UTC link zur Pinnwand

Is there a way to delete a sentence? And a comment?

There also seems to be sync issue as submitted changes are not there. I think I have entered 2 sentences, but stat shows 5... A have corrected sent several times, but the old version is still there... And each edit seems to add a new sentence not to modify the existing one. Well I guess don't follow the UI logics...

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TRANG TRANG 30. Dezember 2009 30. Dezember 2009 um 16:40:15 UTC link zur Pinnwand


There is currently no way for users to delete a sentence, nor a comment. Of course someday it will be possible, but we don't have much time for now and it is not a "vital" feature.

Instead of deleting a sentence, you can always replace it by another one.
As for deleting comments, well it doesn't really hurt anyone if you have posted a comment unintentionally :)

Now regarding your sync issue... I'm not sure to understand how you proceeded. But you can try to read the help and see if it helps:

There is one thing that is not mentioned though: if you want to modify a sentence, you have to click on it. Then a form will appear and you will be able to edit it.

For instance here, this is one of your sentence:
Try clicking on it, then change the text, then press OK.

Generally speaking, we are aware that the UI is not intuitive for everyone. We're trying our best but keep in mind that this is a project we're working on in our free time, so sometimes you have to bear with us.

Anyway you can always help out by telling us what we should display and how we should things so that you would understand how it works :)

TRANG TRANG 30. Dezember 2009 30. Dezember 2009 um 16:44:50 UTC link zur Pinnwand

Oh by the way, you have to be careful while replying to messages on the Wall. You had replied by mistake to Swift's message ( But I moved your message to the top.

It's also better to post a new message (instead of replying) if you are talking about another topic. We check the Wall everyday so you don't have to worry about your message going unnoticed.

indoraq indoraq 28. Dezember 2009 28. Dezember 2009 um 21:26:33 UTC link zur Pinnwand

Could not find Estonian in the language list, please add, if possible.

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sysko sysko 29. Dezember 2009 29. Dezember 2009 um 01:06:29 UTC link zur Pinnwand

No problem, but could you please first add a few sentences/ translation, even if not detected by the system, that way it will give us some sample to test the detection for Estonian and integrate it well :)

sysko sysko 29. Dezember 2009 29. Dezember 2009 um 12:27:46 UTC link zur Pinnwand

I've just seen you have added yesterday five sentences in Estonian :)
if you know how to say them in english you can translate them as other people are more likely to know how to translate from english, and it will be far more usefull for people who wants to know sentences in Estionian.

anyway thanks to make Tatoeba more complete :D

TRANG TRANG 29. Dezember 2009 29. Dezember 2009 um 17:47:32 UTC link zur Pinnwand

Estonian has been added :) Enjoy.

Swift Swift 26. Dezember 2009 26. Dezember 2009 um 16:36:22 UTC link zur Pinnwand

The search results currently have a line with a couple of icons, one with a link to the item and the other to the comments.

The second line is the sentence itself, and the following lines have translations of it. The translations are links to those items, but the sentence is not a link.

It seems that things could be simplified and made a bit more intuitive if those icons were dropped and the search result sentence made into a link to that item. We'd lose the comments link, but it points to the same page anyway.

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TRANG TRANG 27. Dezember 2009 27. Dezember 2009 um 20:31:06 UTC link zur Pinnwand

You're right. I redesigned a little bit the sentences blocks following your suggestions.

We'll see if it bothers anyone...

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Swift Swift 28. Dezember 2009 28. Dezember 2009 um 16:10:27 UTC link zur Pinnwand

I for one think it looks better now.


skycomet skycomet 22. Dezember 2009 22. Dezember 2009 um 21:24:37 UTC link zur Pinnwand


1. Can I translate more than 1 sentence each time? I want to translate in the rate of 50-100 words/day but my connection isn't fast and I don't want to wait for each senetence.

2. Is there any way to download the sentences for languages other than Japanese/English, e.g. Indoenesian or Hebrew, then translating and resending them to you so you can import the translated sentences in your database?

Thank you,

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TRANG TRANG 22. Dezember 2009 22. Dezember 2009 um 22:44:03 UTC link zur Pinnwand

I've answered to your email but I'm posting my reply here too in case other people wonder.

1. For now, the only way you can translate more than one sentence at a time is from the search. Type a word in the search bar, it will display results (provided you entered something in English or Japanese that is quite common). You can translate from the results. It displays 10 sentences per page but I can make it display more sentences per page if you feel this is a good solution for you to translate several sentences. Just let me know.

2. For now it's not possible yet. I mean, I probably could, but I have very little time (especially these days), and I'd rather set up some automated system for that.
Besides, we did consider giving the possibility to users to download a file with sentences formatted to be opened with a program called PoEdit. You will then have a page somewhere on Tatoeba where you can upload this file, and it will import your sentences. It's not likely to be implemented before end of January though.

TRANG TRANG 24. Dezember 2009 24. Dezember 2009 um 15:10:05 UTC link zur Pinnwand

Alright, we've added a "show more..." link in the random sentence. You can click on it to display more than one random sentence :)

You will be able to specify the language and the number of sentences displayed.

lilygilder lilygilder 23. Dezember 2009 23. Dezember 2009 um 17:21:25 UTC link zur Pinnwand

About the community building mentioned in the Tatoeba blog:

Are you planning on creating a forum? I think that would help the community grow and having different threads for introductions, bug reports, feedback, etc would make it easier for users to follow the discussions. I'm not sure if it is necessary yet - there are only a bit under 300 members right now - but it would be cool nevertheless.

What do other users think?

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TRANG TRANG 23. Dezember 2009 23. Dezember 2009 um 19:09:37 UTC link zur Pinnwand

Yes it's in our todo list (like sooooo many other things). But as you noticed, right now there aren't that many members.

That's why we set up this "Wall", it's more simple and for now it is largely enough for people to report bugs, give feedback, introduce themselves or write about whatever :)

When the Wall will start reaching its limits in terms of usability, we'll start considering the forum solution.

lilygilder lilygilder 23. Dezember 2009 23. Dezember 2009 um 11:57:15 UTC link zur Pinnwand

Hi there,

What can I do with repeated sentences? Is there a way to link one entry to the other or maybe even merge them?

Anyways, thank you for this wonderful project.

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TRANG TRANG 23. Dezember 2009 23. Dezember 2009 um 12:24:16 UTC link zur Pinnwand

You don't have to worry about them. We take care of merging them :) We actually already launched a loooong cleaning process a few weeks ago, it removed about 10,000 exact duplicate sentences.
We're going to launch it again sometime, after we've cleaned the sentences from typos or extra spaces where there shouldn't be or things like that.

Anyways, thank you for your contributions. I'm happy to see German getting popular again :D It used to be the 4th language in Tatoeba, until extremely motivated contributors in Chinese and Spanish came along...

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lilygilder lilygilder 23. Dezember 2009 23. Dezember 2009 um 12:42:36 UTC link zur Pinnwand

Does this cleaning programm also remove nearly identical sentences? I found a pair where the only difference is the punctuation mark... I'm glad you don't have to do that manually...

I'd be happy if German took the fourth place again. I'll see what I can do and show some competitive spirit. =) This is a fun way to pass time and help other language learners. :)

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TRANG TRANG 23. Dezember 2009 23. Dezember 2009 um 13:08:08 UTC link zur Pinnwand

No it doesn't remove nearly identical sentences. I've seen sentences which differ only from the punctuation, but... Well this is a bit tricky.

If you take Japanese, there is supposedly no question mark or exclamation mark (although I suppose it's changing). Instead you have particles to express a question or an exclamation.
The fact that you write "I'm cold." or "I'm cold!" can change something in the Japanese sentence (samui desu / samui desu yo).

So to be safe, I wouldn't delete a sentence that has a nearly identical twin, with only a difference of punctuation.

tinacalysto tinacalysto 18. Dezember 2009 18. Dezember 2009 um 15:08:46 UTC link zur Pinnwand

Hey guys, any chance of having Norwegian language added?

Thx and congrats for the great site (which has become my new hobbie)!

P.S.: Portuguese GET!

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TRANG TRANG 23. Dezember 2009 23. Dezember 2009 um 01:15:37 UTC link zur Pinnwand

Norwegian Bokmål has been added as a supported language :)

Please, when you have time, add a few sentences in this language to check if the language detection works properly.

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tinacalysto tinacalysto 5. Januar 2010 5. Januar 2010 um 19:28:24 UTC link zur Pinnwand

thank you. The language detection is working fine.

TRANG TRANG 18. Dezember 2009 18. Dezember 2009 um 17:15:36 UTC link zur Pinnwand

Yes, actually someone else has also requested us to add Norwegian. He actually asked to add both Norwegian Nynorsk and Norwegian Bokmål.

But for that, we're waiting until we have either :
1) Our own language detection system (because for now we're relying on Google's detection, which is reaching its limit...)
2) Or added a feature that enables people to indicate the language of the sentence (instead of having is systematically auto-detected).

Now you have to know that it is not forbidden to add Norwegian sentences, even if it's not "officially" supported. You will not be able to set the language as Norwegian (yet), but you can do that later, when we actually add Norwegian as a supported language.
Besides, it will actually give us some pressure to add it as soon as possible :P

Anyway thanks for your support! We're always glad to see motivated people like you joining the project :D
And congratulations for bringing Portuguese to the 6th position in terms of number of sentences!

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tinacalysto tinacalysto 18. Dezember 2009 18. Dezember 2009 um 18:40:49 UTC link zur Pinnwand

(Crap, I sent the message by mistake without having finished it)
Well, I don't think the bokmål/nynorsk differentiation would be a problem. Most online dictionaries I've seen so far deal with bokmål as the pattern.

(btw, thanks for your gentle commentary)

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TRANG TRANG 19. Dezember 2009 19. Dezember 2009 um 21:01:59 UTC link zur Pinnwand

The thing is, we want to be as accurate as possible.

I have no idea how different Bokmål and Nynorsk are, but I believe they are more different than the difference between Portuguese in Portugal and in Brazil. There must be a reason why there are two different language codes for each in the ISO 639-3 codes (

Besides it could offend some people if we don't make the difference ^^'

tinacalysto tinacalysto 18. Dezember 2009 18. Dezember 2009 um 18:37:42 UTC link zur Pinnwand

>>>> You will not be able to set the language as Norwegian (yet), but you can do that later, [...]

Great, I'll do that. I don'
Regarding the bokmål/nynorsk differentiation, I guess something similar happens to Portuguese... in most cases one can handle to write a phrase that sounds like Brazilian Portuguese and that spoken in Portugal, but sometimes that's just impossible. Same thing for African Portuguese, which sounds to me almost like a different language. In this case I'm indicating in the phrase 'Portugal'/'Brazil'.

sysko sysko 18. Dezember 2009 18. Dezember 2009 um 17:28:57 UTC link zur Pinnwand

and congratulation to have contribute to have made today the second (and with a little bit effort) day in term of contributions

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sysko sysko 18. Dezember 2009 18. Dezember 2009 um 17:39:31 UTC link zur Pinnwand

* and with a little bit effort made it the first day , typed too fast sorry

Versuss Versuss 22. Dezember 2009 22. Dezember 2009 um 16:27:00 UTC link zur Pinnwand

Could we translate sentences into language not listed in the site?
I can translate it into Malay language.
P.S. Great site!!

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sysko sysko 22. Dezember 2009 22. Dezember 2009 um 16:50:28 UTC link zur Pinnwand

For malay language wikipedia told me there's a lot of different malay, as we make difference between dialect, is this a specific form of malay or it's "standard malay" ?
is this flag suitable ?

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Versuss Versuss 22. Dezember 2009 22. Dezember 2009 um 18:11:07 UTC link zur Pinnwand

Yes it's standard Malay. and there's isnt much dialects used contemporary days..the most well known should be Kelantanese, but standard Malay is spoken all over the country.
Yes that's the flag of the nation =)

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sysko sysko 23. Dezember 2009 23. Dezember 2009 um 08:49:45 UTC link zur Pinnwand

ok, by the way could you correct the chinese sentences I've commented please :)

sysko sysko 22. Dezember 2009 22. Dezember 2009 um 16:47:29 UTC link zur Pinnwand

the answer is just below

spoiler : yes you can ;-)

thanks for your contributions in chinese :)

TRANG TRANG 23. Dezember 2009 23. Dezember 2009 um 01:10:52 UTC link zur Pinnwand

Normally we've added Malay as a supported language :)

You'll still have to add a few sentences to check that the language detection does work properly though.