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Sylwadau ar frawddegau Amastan


Negeseuon mur








Cyfieithu brawddegau Amastan

Negeseuon Amastan i'r mur (cyfanswm o 453)

Amastan Amastan 10 Hydref 2015 10 Hydref 2015 am 09:33:14 UTC link Permalink

Hahaha... C'est vrai lorsque tu dis qu'on en a pour des siècles de boulot !

Je t'informerai avec plaisir du lancement du Wikipédia berbère en public ;-)

Pour Google Translate, je n'ai pas d'informations et je crois que, pour le moment, il n'y a, à ma connaissance, que deux principaux corpus bilingues que Google puisse exploiter sur Internet. Le premier est celui de l'agence de presse étatique algérienne (APS) qui a, désormais, une version berbère. Dans cette version, ce sont les dépêches en arabe et en français qui sont traduites en berbère. Sinon, il y a le corpus de Tatoeba dont la paire berbère-français s'agrandira considérablement dans les prochains mois ;-)

Amastan Amastan 10 Hydref 2015 10 Hydref 2015 am 08:46:31 UTC link Permalink

Je te remercie du fond du cœur pour ton message de félicitation, Cédric. De plus, et en cette circonstance, j'aimerais rappeler que le premier jour où je me suis inscrit sur Tatoeba, tu as été l'un des premier à m'envoyer un message perso pour me souhaiter la bienvenue. Ceci m'a grandement motivé pour continuer à contribuer au site dès les premiers jours. Merci à toi, mon ami.

Concernant une Wikipédia en berbère : je travaille avec quelques amis sur une version qui est toujours dans l'incubateur du site de l'encyclopédie. Nous n'avons pas encore tous les articles nécessaires pour la lancer et nous essayons de travailler sur un vocabulaire de base commun pour encourager les futurs contributeurs à les utiliser dans la rédaction des articles.

D'autre part, et concernant les autres ressources sur Internet, je travaille avec les autres membres de mon association (Imedyazen, qui veut dire "les poètes") sur un programme de vidéos simples pour enseigner le berbère. Les premières vidéos seront disponibles dans quelques semaines sur Youtube :-)

Amastan Amastan 9 Hydref 2015 9 Hydref 2015 am 20:55:10 UTC link Permalink

Ce droit a été acquis grâce à Cédric que je remercie vivement pour l'avoir réclamé.
Azref-a d Cédric ay aɣ-t-id-yewwin yerna snemmireɣ-t s tussda imi ay t-yessuter.

Amastan Amastan 9 Medi 2015 9 Medi 2015 am 19:14:00 UTC link Permalink

Buenas tardes,

Je voudrais faire importer des phrases à partir de documents de traitement de texte (Word - .doc).
Deseo importar frases a partir de documentos de tratamiento de texto (Word - .doc).

Comment faire ? Qui pourrait s'en occuper ?
Cómo hacerlo? Quién puede ocuparse de eso?


Amastan Amastan 9 Medi 2015 9 Medi 2015 am 09:44:11 UTC link Permalink


Je voudrais importer des phrases à partir de documents de traitement de texte (Word - .doc).

Comment faire ? Qui pourrait s'en occuper ?


Amastan Amastan 28 Awst 2015 28 Awst 2015 am 08:17:54 UTC link Permalink

Bien dit, mon ami :-)

Amastan Amastan 16 Mehefin 2015 16 Mehefin 2015 am 12:27:29 UTC link Permalink

Thanks for this. I'll translate them into Berber.

Amastan Amastan 25 Mai 2015 25 Mai 2015 am 17:59:29 UTC link Permalink

Ad ken-henniɣ a imeddukal... tamajaṛit tla 100.000 n tefyar!!!
Gratulálok barátaim... Magyar 100.000 mondatokat van!!!

Amastan Amastan 15 Mai 2015 15 Mai 2015 am 09:08:29 UTC link Permalink

Je crois qu'il y a un message de spam envoyé par un certain "Astou4".
Cikkeɣ yella yiwen n yizen n ukellex yuzen-it-id yiwen isem-nnes "Astou4".

Amastan Amastan 24 Ebrill 2015, edited 24 Ebrill 2015 24 Ebrill 2015 am 09:41:40 UTC, edited 24 Ebrill 2015 am 09:42:35 UTC link Permalink

S tezmert ed talwit a Martin!!!
Félicitations Martin!!!
Congratulations Marin!!!

Lisa : Je viens juste de connaître Martin, et je t'assure qu'il mérite ce poste :-)
Lisa : Seg melmi kan ay ssneɣ Martin, maca ḍemneɣ-am yuklal amkan-a :-)

Amastan Amastan 27 Mawrth 2015 27 Mawrth 2015 am 20:23:59 UTC link Permalink

Silja (2nd reply),

>>>> If you really need to contribute in a foreign language, please verify the correctness of your sentences from reliable source (eg. a native speaker) BEFORE submiting them to Tatoeba.

That's what I'm already doing with a British penfriend and personal friend who lives in my country. The problem is that it sometimes takes time. I also appreciate the help and encouragement of some native English speakers and non-native speakers from various other countries.

Amastan Amastan 27 Mawrth 2015, edited 27 Mawrth 2015 27 Mawrth 2015 am 20:15:49 UTC, edited 27 Mawrth 2015 am 20:21:54 UTC link Permalink

Thanks for your message,

>>>> If you are not 100 % sure that the sentence you are going to contribute is correct and natural, don't submit it.

I have a mother language, and sometimes even in that mother language I'm not 100% sure that such or such sentence is correct. That's why people from my own language community (I wish there were many more on this website, though) would comment and discuss some aspects and errors I may have made in such sentences. That's the same thing with most other users. In addition to that, I don't think that we can make Tatoeba a website in which people would contribute only in their native tongues. This concept is already questioned and it should be, indeed. All around me, I see Argentinians contributing sentences in Finnish, Germans contributing in English and Russians in Arabic. So why wouldn't a Turkish contribute in Spanish and an African in English?

As for the Google problem, I think it's their problem, not Tatoeba's community. I'm a professional translator and I use websites and other stuff that use corpora that are much better than those Google relies on (translated by professionals), yet, they still contain errors. Google's programmers should learn with time what to pick and what to ignore for their "sophisticated" stuff, and I'm confident they'll do it some day. As for Tatoeba's community, I think that they should neither worry about Mr. multibillion dollar Google nor should they worry about private projects developed by other people for their own interest. This is my humble opinion, though.


Amastan Amastan 27 Mawrth 2015 27 Mawrth 2015 am 20:05:51 UTC link Permalink


>>>>> 2) only interested members would have to go through non-native sentences to help other users by checking them; 3) we would attract more users, because many people are looking for that resource; 4) we would have more sentences, since more users would try to write sentences in foreign languages; 5) Tatoeba would be more useful and unique.

+ 1000

In my opinion, people are free to write and speak any language they want. If they're "too poor", they'll improve, there will be people who would help them and the last thing they need is people who are willing to block them or put them down. Alex's solution is perfect for that.

Amastan Amastan 27 Mawrth 2015 27 Mawrth 2015 am 10:21:01 UTC link Permalink


Thanks for your message. I totally agree with all what you've said. I'd like to add the following:

>>>> and then a willing native - those exist - can come and see if the sentence is alright...

Whew! And thank God they exist! And they'll always exist. They'll always keep coming to Tatoeba and commenting non-Native-speaker sentences. They'll always be there. Tatoeba's life and quality doesn't depend just on one person's work, no matter how important that person think they are. I've contributed many Amazigh (Berber) sentences and if I die, there will always be people who would take care of the Amazigh corpus. Anyway, that's the way we're working with many other languages: Turkish users contributing sentences in French, US users contributing sentences in Chinese and Hebrew, German users contributing in Japanese, and Russian users contributing in Arabic. We welcome people to contribute in our languages, we correct their sentences, discuss errors with them, explain them, weave friendly relations with them. I think that's what Tatoeba is supposed to be. It should be a website loved by people, visitors and contributors alike, and not a place where they may receive messages that might make them feel worthless. I've spent two good years contributing thousands of sentences to Tatoeba and I have never felt that it was a waste of time. On the contrary, I've learnt millions of new things on this website that one wouldn't have learnt at any school. However, I don't want to receive messages that question and even ridicule one's role in such a free collaborative work. It's the Internet, it's cyberspace... we should enjoy a minumum of freedom at least here, no?

Amastan Amastan 26 Mawrth 2015, edited 28 Mawrth 2015 26 Mawrth 2015 am 21:08:43 UTC, edited 28 Mawrth 2015 am 17:35:19 UTC link Permalink

I would like to thank all the users who support me.

There are many users who complain about similar messages sent by the same person, i.e. the "person", and I encourage other users to denounce such a practice which is counterproductive in a collaborative project like Tatoeba.

For a reminder, the project we are contributing to here is Tatoeba and not some other private project derived from it.

PS: Message edited so the "person"'s nickname would not be mentioned. This is to comply with a recommendation from TB's admins.

Amastan Amastan 26 Mawrth 2015, edited 28 Mawrth 2015 26 Mawrth 2015 am 10:55:13 UTC, edited 28 Mawrth 2015 am 17:32:18 UTC link Permalink

This is what the "person" said in a comment (he later deleted) about this sentence #3989509:


I'd recommend ignoring a lot of this person's English sentences."

I publicly denounce this and I ask the "person" to refrain from posting such messages in public.

Amastan Amastan 26 Mawrth 2015, edited 28 Mawrth 2015 26 Mawrth 2015 am 10:40:52 UTC, edited 28 Mawrth 2015 am 17:44:21 UTC link Permalink

To the "person",

I'd like the "person" not to recommend users to ignore my sentences.

I think that the "person" doesn't have the right to do that in public.

So I tell that "person": please refrain from posting such scandalous messages.

I also would like that "person" to know that I'm denouncing this in public and I'm very displeased with this.

PS: To comply with a request sent to me by Tatoeba's admins, I've edited this message so that the "person" would no longer be named directly.

Amastan Amastan 22 Tachwedd 2014 22 Tachwedd 2014 am 17:35:34 UTC link Permalink

Rebonjour mes amis,

Il semble que ma remarque a été un peu dépassée, car je viens d'essayer de lier des phrases entre elles et, apparemment, cela marche (de nouveau).

Amastan Amastan 22 Tachwedd 2014 22 Tachwedd 2014 am 17:20:47 UTC link Permalink

Bonjour Cédric,

On ne peut plus lier les phrases entre elles. Cette option a dû être désactivée, mais ceci est-il temporaire ou définitif ?

Merci de confirmer.

Amastan Amastan 6 Tachwedd 2014, edited 6 Tachwedd 2014 6 Tachwedd 2014 am 10:53:20 UTC, edited 6 Tachwedd 2014 am 11:13:18 UTC link Permalink

Hi Inego,
Thanks for this observation.

Berber needs audio files in order to show people how to pronounce some of its sounds that are unfamiliar to non-native learners. I'll start working on that as soon as I get some more free time.