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Sylwadau ar frawddegau Amastan


Negeseuon mur








Cyfieithu brawddegau Amastan

Negeseuon Amastan i'r mur (cyfanswm o 453)

Amastan Amastan 7 Gorffennaf 2023 7 Gorffennaf 2023 am 07:30:11 UTC link Permalink

Thank you, Cangarejo. I have had a look at the Amazigh/Berber list and it's very helpful for me.

Amastan Amastan 6 Gorffennaf 2023 6 Gorffennaf 2023 am 09:20:20 UTC link Permalink

Do you have a list of Berber words of fewer than ten example sentences? I'd be glad if you shared it with us.

Amastan Amastan 5 Gorffennaf 2023 5 Gorffennaf 2023 am 14:16:40 UTC link Permalink

I agree with that. The Berber/Amazigh list, too, contains many misspelt words.

Amastan Amastan 1 Ionawr 2023 1 Ionawr 2023 am 07:27:55 UTC link Permalink

Aseggas ameggaz!
عام سعيد!
Happy New Year!
Bonne année !
¡Feliz Año Nuevo!
Feliĉan Novjaron!
Felice anno nuovo!
Gesǣlig Nīwe Gēar!


Amastan Amastan 6 Mai 2022, edited 6 Mai 2022 6 Mai 2022 am 10:41:13 UTC, edited 6 Mai 2022 am 10:46:41 UTC link Permalink

Today I'm celebrating the tenth anniversary of my presence here on Tatoeba. I discovered the website while I was translating an important technical document. I googled a phrase and I found it on Tatoeba. Although my schedule was tight and I had to finish the document as soon as possible to be handed to engineers at a worksite, I took the time to explore Tatoeba a little bit more. In fact, I was pleased by its general look and all those little flags that symbolized the countless languages it had. Then an idea came to my mind: Why not asking them to add Tamazight (Berber)? I emailed them and sysko, one of the admins, immediately replied and explained to me everything I needed to do to start adding example sentences in the language. They made everything easy for me and the other contributors that soon joined the website to enrich it with an Amazigh corpus. I also received a warm welcome from many members. It's been a long but interesting and exciting experience and I'd love to continue to enjoy in the coming years. I'd love to thank everyone who helped and supported me here. Tanemmirt - Thank you - شكرا - Danke - Dankon - Tak - Gracias - Obrigado - Merci - Grazzi - धन्यवाद - Þancie - Grazie - 谢谢 - Köszönöm - Kiitos - Teşekkür - Sagboluň

Amastan Amastan 5 Mai 2022 5 Mai 2022 am 16:22:55 UTC link Permalink

Lo que escribes es muy interesante. Yo aun leo artículos y noticias en portugues y en italiano (y aun en catalán) y los entiendo casi perfectamente sin diccionario. Pienso que el sitio no reconoce lo que se llama "macrolenguas," pero en el caso del amazigh (bereber) que va a celebrar su 10o aniversario en este sitio, los amazighoparlantes (así como los gobiernos) lo consideran como un solo idioma que llamamos el tamazight (tamaziɣt), y en el terreno, TODOS los dialectos del norte (el continuo dialectal desde el noroeste de Libia hasta el norte de Marruecos) son mutualmente inteligibles (el cabilio, el chaoui, el nefoussi, el riféño, etc.). Es por eso que los miembros del sitio que participan bajo la bandera del "BER" (bereber, tamazight) rechazan que su corpus sea dividido en diferentes dialectos. Pienso que el sitio debería tener una política flexible con respecto a eso. Sé que algunos escandinavos desean tambien tener su propio macrolengua y un amigo escocés me dijo que hay tambien irlandeses y escoceses que trabajan sobre algo similar. Saludos desde Argelia :-)

Amastan Amastan 14 Chwefror 2022 14 Chwefror 2022 am 12:16:27 UTC link Permalink

I'm sorry and very sad to learn that. I have known Ricardo ever since I joined this website almost ten years ago in 2012. He was a true friend (both on this website and on social media). I remember his availability to help everyone at any moment, his utmost diligence to do everything he could to help someone with anything they needed. I remember his efforts to add some of the most undervalued and least known languages to Tatoeba. I remember his positiveness, his patience and his tirelessness. He truly was one of the best online friends I've ever had and one of the few people who make everyone love this website. Rest in peace, Ricardo. Sgunfu deg talwit a Ricardo.Descanse em paz querido irmão. Seu irmão da África.

Amastan Amastan 15 Hydref 2021 15 Hydref 2021 am 09:24:23 UTC link Permalink

Interested. No programming experience. Willing to learn.

Amastan Amastan 31 Gorffennaf 2021 31 Gorffennaf 2021 am 08:13:32 UTC link Permalink

Hola, bienvenido y saludos desde Argelia :-)

Amastan Amastan 28 Ebrill 2021 28 Ebrill 2021 am 11:14:47 UTC link Permalink

The owners of the sentences contributed in those dialects are opposed to the division of the Amazigh language into multiple separate dialects/languages.

Amastan Amastan 16 Ebrill 2021 16 Ebrill 2021 am 14:47:38 UTC link Permalink

I should remind you (and remind myself as well as an old member of this website) that this is a Wall made for everyone to post their messages, inquiries, and other things they deem useful for the progress of the Tatoeba project. Therefore, I think that I've said enough and it's time for me to stop talking to you on this Wall. I'll leave it for the admins to do their job. Bye.

Amastan Amastan 16 Ebrill 2021 16 Ebrill 2021 am 14:37:37 UTC link Permalink

It's for the admins to determine that ;-)

Amastan Amastan 16 Ebrill 2021 16 Ebrill 2021 am 14:37:11 UTC link Permalink

The paragraph I've been copy-pasting isn't an example sentence for the Tatoeba corpus. It's just to warn the admins of your suspicious presence.

There you go again:

You're being too suspicious and dodgy to be given any serious consideration. You simply appear out of nowhere, claim that English is your strongest language yet you don't even capitalize the word "English" that you spell "english." Your claim in your profile that you have some knowledge in a variety of Caucasian languages and all you do is copy-paste sentences from COPYRIGHTED SOURCES. Then all of a sudden, you're interested in the Amazigh language and start asking questions about why it has this or that... You strangely remind me of a group of people who kind of did the same thing a couple of years ago.

If you're an actual user and contributor of this website, one should at least expect you to be honest and not so "mysterious" about your linguistic identity. If no Caucasian language is your language and English is neither your mother tongue nor your strongest language (language names are capitalized in English), and if you don't contribute sentences of your own making, then what are you doing here?

@Pfirsichbaeumchen - Maybe you could persuade this guy to answer these question.

Amastan Amastan 16 Ebrill 2021 16 Ebrill 2021 am 14:36:03 UTC link Permalink

Was that in an English-speaking country?

Amastan Amastan 16 Ebrill 2021 16 Ebrill 2021 am 14:33:55 UTC link Permalink

Wanna know what the suspicious thing is?

It's your sock puppet theater :-)

You're being too suspicious and dodgy to be given any serious consideration. You simply appear out of nowhere, claim that English is your strongest language yet you don't even capitalize the word "English" that you spell "english." Your claim in your profile that you have some knowledge in a variety of Caucasian languages and all you do is copy-paste sentences from COPYRIGHTED SOURCES. Then all of a sudden, you're interested in the Amazigh language and start asking questions about why it has this or that... You strangely remind me of a group of people who kind of did the same thing a couple of years ago.

If you're an actual user and contributor of this website, one should at least expect you to be honest and not so "mysterious" about your linguistic identity. If no Caucasian language is your language and English is neither your mother tongue nor your strongest language (language names are capitalized in English), and if you don't contribute sentences of your own making, then what are you doing here?

@Pfirsichbaeumchen - Maybe you could persuade this guy to answer these question.

Amastan Amastan 16 Ebrill 2021 16 Ebrill 2021 am 14:33:05 UTC link Permalink

It was just a joke. Our topic isn't intelligence agencies :-) Our topic is you and how you were unable to explain us what you're doing here.

You're being too suspicious and dodgy to be given any serious consideration. You simply appear out of nowhere, claim that English is your strongest language yet you don't even capitalize the word "English" that you spell "english." Your claim in your profile that you have some knowledge in a variety of Caucasian languages and all you do is copy-paste sentences from COPYRIGHTED SOURCES. Then all of a sudden, you're interested in the Amazigh language and start asking questions about why it has this or that... You strangely remind me of a group of people who kind of did the same thing a couple of years ago.

If you're an actual user and contributor of this website, one should at least expect you to be honest and not so "mysterious" about your linguistic identity. If no Caucasian language is your language and English is neither your mother tongue nor your strongest language (language names are capitalized in English), and if you don't contribute sentences of your own making, then what are you doing here?

@Pfirsichbaeumchen - Maybe you could persuade this guy to answer these question.

Amastan Amastan 16 Ebrill 2021 16 Ebrill 2021 am 14:31:27 UTC link Permalink

Did you do your primary education in English?

Amastan Amastan 16 Ebrill 2021 16 Ebrill 2021 am 14:30:38 UTC link Permalink

You're being too suspicious and dodgy to be given any serious consideration. You simply appear out of nowhere, claim that English is your strongest language yet you don't even capitalize the word "English" that you spell "english." Your claim in your profile that you have some knowledge in a variety of Caucasian languages and all you do is copy-paste sentences from COPYRIGHTED SOURCES. Then all of a sudden, you're interested in the Amazigh language and start asking questions about why it has this or that... You strangely remind me of a group of people who kind of did the same thing a couple of years ago.

If you're an actual user and contributor of this website, one should at least expect you to be honest and not so "mysterious" about your linguistic identity. If no Caucasian language is your language and English is neither your mother tongue nor your strongest language (language names are capitalized in English), and if you don't contribute sentences of your own making, then what are you doing here?

@Pfirsichbaeumchen - Maybe you could persuade this guy to answer these question.

Amastan Amastan 16 Ebrill 2021, edited 16 Ebrill 2021 16 Ebrill 2021 am 14:25:23 UTC, edited 16 Ebrill 2021 am 14:25:44 UTC link Permalink

We're not here to discuss the English spoken in Singapore and Malaysia. We're talking about whether you're telling the truth or not, whether you're an actual contributor to this website or simply a troll :-) Wet nneḥ [Give up already!]

Amastan Amastan 16 Ebrill 2021, edited 16 Ebrill 2021 16 Ebrill 2021 am 14:18:35 UTC, edited 16 Ebrill 2021 am 14:21:37 UTC link Permalink

I'm afraid, my friend, that your English is far, far away from being the type of natural English that even an English-language educated Chinese born and raised in Singapore or Malaysia would speak.

Read that again:
"English is my strongest language and out of all Languages I know, I know English the best."

A person who grew up speaking English and did his primary education in English would never say something like "out of all languages I know." This is an error among many others that you've made here.

Dayen, cikkeɣ fuken-ak :-)